Sheffield Film Production Company E.D.E.N. is set to release a film on LGBT families, filmed in Sheffield, later this year.
You might remember an interview that we did with E.D.E.N. founder Claire Watkinson earlier this year. The 24-year-old film maker set up a group open to anyone in Sheffield’s LGBT community with the aim to teach film making skills and eventually produce a film about homo and transphobia.
That was in February. Since then the group has been working hard gathering materials and creating the film that now is set to premiere in September.
In the past six months group members have filmed at events like IDAHOT as well as interviewed members of the LGBT community and the result of all their dedicated work will be revealed in the film. A trailer is planned for early August and the first screening for September.
Keep you eyes peeled as we’ll be sure to keep you posted.
For now, we take a look behind the scenes of E.D.E.N.’s journey so far – you might even recognise one or two faces!
Click to view slideshow.You can follow E.D.E.N. Film Productions on Facebook and Twitter.