Start Climax Glitterball in style with an exclusive film screening & free champagne reception.
We are very excited to announce that as a precursor to the Climax Glitterball fizz & canapé reception in Bar One on 20th December there will be an exclusive screening of ‘Families Like Ours’, a film about being gay in Sheffield, in the Raynor Lounge from 8pm followed by a Q&A session about the film.
Entry is free and the Glitterball party will follow from 9pm in Bar One, with Karaoke taking over the Raynor.
Event timings:
8pm Families Like Ours screening + Q&A in Raynor Lounge
9pm Champagne reception in Bar One
10.30 Climax! Glitteball in Fusion & Foundry
Find out more information about the event here.