Let’s Get Euphoric for Eurovision!
The Eurovision season has started (yassssss) and the big night just around the corner. True to form, we’ll be hosting our very own Eurovision party and it’s going to be boom-bang-a-banging (#sorrynotsorry). Expect some flag-themed giveaways and decades worth of Eurovision hits!
Image via GIPHY
11.00pm – 3.00am
Friday 5 May
Studio & Fusion, Sheffield Students Union
Climax brings together Yorkshire’s LGBT community and Allies for the biggest & best club night in the region every month.
Last entry 1am. Non-students welcome. Over 18s only.
Is it your birthday this month? Let us know via Private Message or email climax@sheffield.ac.uk to get on the birthday guest list!
Become a fan: https://www.facebook.com/
Follow us on Twitter @climaxsheffield
Strobe lighting will be used at this event
For the facts about alcohol see www.drinkaware.co.uk.
Stay safe whilst drinking & partying.
‘Staying Up? Keep it Down!’ is a campaign run jointly by the University and your Students’ Union, which reminds you about being a lovely Sheffield resident and not a nightmare neighbour!
Noise can annoy, particularly at night, which is why we’d like to remind you that if you’re staying up late, please keep your noise down. The Sheffield community is made up of people from all walks of life but they all need their sleep – even students!